Auburn Lake Trails Clubs


     Camera Club

  Activities designed to raise the level of photographic art, craft, and pleasure for residents at all levels of experience.

     Cool Knitters
     Come relax and knit (or crochet) with fellow knitters/crocheters.

     Council of the Arts (COTA)
     Performing arts group dedicated to promoting the arts and providing entertainment for residents.

    Music in the Park

   Offering Live bands/vendors/food/drinks in the ALT Parks, once a month from April - September for the entire family to
   enjoy. Bringing the ALT community together one note at a time! 

Community Service

     Cool Adventures
Provides an interactive group for the community to participate in STEAM activities, projects, and comradery.

    Wildlife Rescue

    Providing assessment, referral, transport and education services.

    Women in Fun Friendship and Service (WIFFS)
     Non-profit organization open to all women in ALT and providing a variety of community services and activities.

Golf Clubs

    ALT Golf
     Co-ed golf club open to any golfer, of any level.

    ALT Lady Niners
    Provides opportunities to meet and play 9-hole golf with other women in ALT.

    Happy Old Golfing Geezers (HOGGs)
     Men’s group consisting of all abilities.

    Monday Morning Scramblers
    Their name says it all.

    Northern California Golf Association (NCGA)
     Co-ed group interested in tournament play.


Physical Activity

     Fosters interest in Pickleball, fun, and exercise for all ages. Open to all residents.

     Dance Club
     Promotes the enjoyment of dancing by offering instruction.

     The club offers a swimming program for the youth of the community so that they may learn the elements of swimming
     and be able to effectively compete in league meets. Children between the ages of 4 and 17 are eligible

Low impact exercise for all ages (Summer in heater pool; Winter indoors).

Low impact yoga/exercise for all ages.


    4 Paws Dog Club
    Is an opportunity for dogs and their humans to have quality time together.

     Baked Babes
     A baking club focused on learning the fundamentals of baking, while sharing recipes and techniques.

     Cool Homeschool Club
     The purpose of the Cool Homeschool Club is to provide opportunities for homeschool students and their families.

     Cool Readers Book Club
     Open to all who love to read.

    Silver Spurs

    Sponsors horse related activities including: trail rides, arena events, clinics, horse shows and social events for all residents.

    TGIF Dinner Club

    Casual, pot luck dinner events open to all Residents.

     The Grillbillies
     Creating friendships through the love of cooking

     The Ones
     Is a club created for people who live alone to meet new people, make friends and do fun activities.